nai bsg

As we all know , Adventure is important part of Scout life. In my opinion, if you want to be a True Scout , you must enjoy the game of adventure. Adventure may include camping in wild, hiking, stalking, wild games, adventurous sports, animal observation, bird watching, etc.

Some activities of adventure, you may find rough and uncomfortable , which shows that you are tenderfoot ,but there is no roughing in it for old Scouts. They feel it as comfortable and they enjoy such activities of adventure.

In this age of urbanisation, we are moving away from mother Nature. Firstly because of our busy schedules. Secondly, rapid industrialisation and its results like pollution, global warming, etc. Less people from metro cities of our country, get direct access to mother nature. As a Scout, we must preserve our mother nature and we must live with our mother nature.

Adventure provides us an opportunity to find our lost inner voice and brings closer to Nature. To provide an opporunity to every Scout of our country , to participate in the game of adventure, the Bharat Scouts and Guides established the National Avdenture Institute, at Pachmarhi, where every Scout will get opportunity to participate with reasonable cost.

WHO can participate ?

Though the National Adventure Institute is established by The Bharat Scouts and Guides for members of Scout Guide movement, Everyone can participate in Adventure programme. For more details, you can Check circular of NAI from Important Links of our website.

Procedures and Formalities-

To participate in National Adventure Programme, you have to refer Circular of NAI ,in which all programme schedule is provided in detail.

You have to pay some token amount for registration and email the details of payment, number of participants, etc. before your booking of tickets for travelling.

You have to submit completely filled application form, medical and risk certificate, Malaria report at time of registration.

Preparations and Checklist –

1 Registration

2 Ticket Booking

3 Application Form

4 Medical report

5 If you are not regular in fitness, start atleast week before , walk for 4 to 5 kms daily.

6 Shopping

HOW to reach Pachmarhi ?

Pachmarhi is also know as Satpura ki Rani (Queen of Satpura). Pachmarhi is situated in mountain range of Satpura. Pipariya is the gateway town and nearest Railway Station to reach Pachmarhi. From Pipariya it takes nearly one and half hour to reach Pachmarhi by road. Distance between Pipariya and Pachmarhi is nearly 54 kms. Pipariya is situated on railway line between Itarasi and Jabalpur.

After boarding out of Pipariya Railway Station , You can get Bus and sharing Private taxi. If you are travelling in group prefer private taxis which will provide you an opportunity to stop tourist places on the way. You can have some snacks in between your travel. Matkuli is nice place to enjoy local snacks on the way to Pachmarhi.

As maximum part of journey is through Jungle, you may see wild animals and birds near road side. Mother nature provided so much beauty , on the way to Pachmarhi.

Bargain for Price and Ask to halt!!

Fair price for private taxi dwinddle between 900 to 1200 rupees depending on season. As Scout is thrifty, wait outside of Pipariya station and watch whether is off- season or not. Simple trick to identify is oberve the taxi drivers, they will fight for customers. If they bid heavily then it’s off season and ask for lowest fair price.

While fixing the taxi fair, ask the person about Toll charges inclusion in price or not , you have to pay toll when you enter in Pachmarhi.

Don’t forget to ask them about halting at some tourist spots which are on the way in the Jungle.

The National Adventure Institute is situated outside of main Pachmarhi (nearly 4 to 5 kms away) town so ask your driver, to drop you at gate of NAI.

By Bus it is not possible to reach directly to National Adventure Institute. Bus will drop you at Bus stand of Pachmarhi from there you have to arrange another vehicle.

If you are travelling alone then ask your sharing taxi driver to drop you to the gate of National Adventure Institute, they may drop you without additional charges.

Things to do when you reach NAI –

First thing, Ask your taxi driver for his contact number and ask him for pickup after completion of your camp. Don’t worry if you forget to collect phone number , NAI may arrange it for you on your request to faculty.

After entering into campsite , first thing you have to do is inform to staff of campsite and register .

NAI camp site

Accomodation and Food –

During camp, you get accomodation in tent. During Winter, temperature at Pachmarhi drops nearly 3-4 degree celsius. NAI provides additional set of blanket and warm bedding.

Temperature at camp site in December

Food served in campsite with varieties. Breakfast,tea, lunch, dinner with good quality and according to food habits. Some times if you are on long trek , you will get your meal on the way.

Meal at Dhoopgarh trek

Generally , inauguration of camp is done in afternoon, as everyone participating will get time to reach at campsite. Flag hoisting, welcome speech, camp tour, group formation and photo session etc. are the programmes on opening day.

Campfire circle during day

Along with food and accomodation , NAI may provide a camp kit which mainly contains T-shirt, Backpack, NAI Badge, Cap, etc.


Beware of your friends in Wild. Don’t keep your edibles into your bags. Prefer bags with lock or suitcase type bags, wheel bags. Your friends in wild know how to open bags. NAI provides common hut to keep your bags.

Camp routine-

Adventure camp starts with morning exercise, flag hoisting then few participants go for trek and some participants do adventure activity nearby campsite. Both groups return in noon to campsite and after lunch groups exchange their activity, morning trek group goes for field activity and vice versa.

Everyday general routine is same but places of trek and adventure activities changes.

Scouts on trek

For trekking NAI provides an opportunity to visit famous spots in Pachmarhi. Bison Lodge, Jata Shankar caves, Pandav Caves, Rajendragiri, Chauragarh, Dhoopgarh, Bee fall, Handi Kho, etc. are the famous places of Pachmarhi where you can trek with your fellow Scouts and Guides.

Glimpse of places we visit while Trekking –



Adventure Activities-

National Adventure institute is widely developed with variety of adventure bases. They keep developing new adventure activities. Safety measures during the activity are strictly monitored by staff of NAI.

For Adventure activity , National Adventure Institute is provides various adventure activities like Rock climbling, Valley crossing, Zip line, Raffling, Archery, Horse riding, Shooting, boating and various adventure bases.

Glimpse of Adventure Activity –


Campfire Circle at NAI

Besides all these, every night after dinner , Programme of Campfire is organised. You can perform your cultural activities in programme of campfire. Music system and lighting facility is available at campfire circle. Campfire is the last session of the day, which everyone enjoys it lot.

Besides all camp activities, you may get free time, which you can utilise it by playing various games with your group. You can play football, frisbee, kabaddi etc. with your group which is joyful activity.

On last day of National Adventure Programme, valedictory ceremony, certificate distribution, flag lowering is done and camp ends.

NAP certificate

This daily routine of National Adventure Programme, makes you forget about outside world and at end of day, you will get good sleep in bed of mother Nature. Camp routine keeps you so busy, that you will never know how the week passed with your fellow Scouts and Guides.

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