The Scout movement was founded by Lord Baden Powell. During intial phase of the movement was limited for boys. Later because of demand from girls, the horizon of Scout movement extended to girls also.

The wing of movement which was started only for boys is known as Scout wing and the wing which was started mainly for girls is known as Guide wing of the Scout movement.

Sections of Scout and Guide movement-

  • Bunnies
  • Cub – Bulbul
  • Scout – Guide
  • Rover – Ranger
  • Adult Leaders

The Cub, Scout and Rover sections are for Boys between the age group 5 to 25 years and the Bulbul,Guide and Ranger sections are for Girls between the age group of 5 to 25 years.

The Cub, Scout and Rovers sections generally considered as Scout wing.

Similarly, the Bulbul, Guide and Ranger sections together considered as Guide wing.

Members above the age of 25 years are considered as Adult leaders.

Now , we will discuss each section of Scout and Guide movement. You can check in which section of Scout and Guide movement you belong by considering your age, simultaneously.


In this section of the Scout and Guide movement, both boys and girls between the age of 3-5 years are together considered as Bunnies.

The motive behind this wing is to bring the boys and girls into scouting  at an early stage of life so that they will get early dosage of discipline, patriotism, moral character,etc.  

The motto of the Bunnies section is “Keep Smiling.”

The group of Bunnies is called “Tamtola”.

Activities related to bunny sections are conducted at Pre-School, Kindergarten, pre-primary or nursery level in India.

Cub and Bulbul –

Cub –

In this section of the Scout wing, Cubs are the boys of age between 5 to 10 years .

The group of 4-6 Cubs is called “Six” and the group of 4 sixs together forms “Cub Pack”.

Bulbul –

In this section of the Guide wing, Bulbuls are the girls of the age between 5 to 10 years. 

The group of 4-6 Bulbuls forms “Six” and the group of 4 sixs together forms “Bulbul flock”.

The motto of Cub- Bulbul section is “Do Your Best.”

Activities related to Cub – Bulbul sections are conducted at Primary school level in India.

Scout and Guide –

Scout –

In this section of the Scout wing, Scouts are the boys of age between 10 to 17 years.

The group of 6-8 Scouts forms “Patrol” and the group of 4 patrols together forms “Scout troop”.

Guides –

In this section of the Guide wing, Guides are the girls of age between 10 to 17 years. 

The group of 6-8 Guides forms “Patrol” and the group of 4 patrols together forms “Guide Company”.

The motto of the Scout and Guide section is “Be Prepared.”

Activities related to Scout and Guide sections are conducted at high school level in India.

Rover and Ranger  –

Rovers –

In this section of the Scout wing, Rovers are the boys of age between 15 to 25 years.

The group of 4-6 Rovers forms “Patrol” and the group of 4 patrols together forms “Rover crew”.

Rangers –

In this section of Guide wing, Rangers are the girls of age between 15 to 25 years. 

The group of 4-6 Rangers is forms “Patrol” and the group of 4 patrols together forms “Ranger Team”.

The motto of the Rovers and Ranger section is “Service.

Activities related to Rover – Ranger sections are conducted at college level in India.

Adult Leaders –

This section of Scout and Guide movement consists of adults of age above 18 years. This section is the backbone of the Scout and Guide movement which includes unit leaders, Scout masters, Commissioners etc.  To run movements at national, state, local level they provide support. 

These all sections are the part of the Scout and Guide movement. This scheme arrangement of various sections may vary country to country.  

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