Scout Promise

“On my honour, I promise that I will do my best

-To do my duty to God* and my country,

-To help other people and

-To obey the Scout Law.”

*You can use ‘Dharma/Religion’ as substitute for the word ‘God’.

Scout promise serves as moral binding force because it considers individual’s honour. Though every member of Scout movement makes the Scout promise voluntarily, it adds a strong sense of personal responsibility.

Scout promise is mainly divided into three parts.

1. To do my duty to God.

Scout movement is the movement which respects faith of every individual and consider individual faith as part of movemnet. Atheist Person has no any recognition in Scout movement. Scout movement considers religion as a base for morality.

Duty to God is fundamental obligation of every Scout.

Whatever their faith , Scout movement accepts it and encourages Scouts to fulfill their religious duties. Here , instead of God we can also use “Dharma/ Religion” as substitute for word ‘God’.

2. To help other people.

Service without pecuniary interest” is soul of Scouting. With this opinion , Scout should do a daily Good Turn to help other people.

3. To obey the Scout law.

When Boy follows all nine parts of the Scout Law , he become Good Citizen with Highly moral in character. “Develope Good Citizens” is the ultimate aim of Scout Movement.

Use of Scout Promise –

Scout promise reminds Scout about his responsibilities, besides that Scout promise is used in investiture ceremony of new Scout.

You should make a Scout sign with right hand, while pronouncing the Scout promise.

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