World Scout Flag represents the Scouts of all over world and flag of World Organisation of Scout Movement (WOSM).

WOSM Scout Flag
World Scout Flag

Specifications of World Scout Flag –

           The World Scout flag is Purple in colour and consists of the world scout badge in white encircled by a white cord. The ends of this chord are tied with a Reef knot, with purple background. The size of the flag is in the ratio of 3:2. The size of the World Scout Flag shall be 135 cms in length and 90 cm in width, and the size of emblem will be 45x30cm. 


        The World Scout Flag was adopted in Lisbon at World Scout Conference held in 1961. From onwards till today, it is official flag of WOSM.

What the World Scout Flag indicates?

Three leaves in Scout badge

            The three leaves in World Scout Badge represents the three-fold promise as originally laid down by the founder of Scout movement that is by Lord Baden Powell. 

Also Read About This:

Scout Law

Scout Promise

            The vein pointing upward represents the compass needle pointing the right way. It points towards the right direction and scout must move towards that direction.

Two stars remembers the scout promise and the law and also represents truth & knowledge.

Rope in Scout Badge

The encircling white cord indicates our worldwide association and Reef knot tieing its ends indicates the World Scout brotherhood.

Uses of World Scout Flag –

       The World Scout Flag may be used on appropriate occasions and when used it shall fly at lower level than the National flag at its left and at higher level than flag of national level at its right.

               The world scout Flag is used in international events where scouts of more than one nation are participating in that event and the offices of World Organisation of Scout Movement (WOSM).

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