Hello , welcome to the website of all about scouting. Here you will get the information regarding daily good turn. What is a daily good turn? to know more click here. In this article, you will come to know, how the good turn started in scouting?
Story of Unknown Scout
This is the story of an unknown scout. A good turn traces back To 1909. When an American publisher William D Boyce who was lost in London fog. In his bewilderment he looked here and there.
Street urchin, noticing his embarrassment came up and saluted Mr boyce and said, may I be of service to you?
Mr boys said,“If you can show me how to find this address, it will be real service.”
The boy very smartly saluted and said, “sir follow me.”

His forthwith brought him to the place that Mr Boyce desired. Then Mr Boyce characteristically of the traveller pulled his coin purse out and offered the boy some money.

The boy promptly saluted and said, “Sir I am a Scout and Scouts do not accept tips for courtesies.”

The man said,“What did you say?”
The scout repeated what he said. And added, “Don’t you know what the Scouts are?”
He said,“ I don’t , but I would like to know.”
The boy said,“Follow me.”
After finishing his work, the boy took him to the office of Sir Robert Baden Powell, who is founder of the Scout movement.
After meeting Mr Boyce returned to America with a trunk load of printed matter related to Scouting.
Mr Boyce and his friend Mr Livingstone incorporated the boys scout of America in 1910.
After this incident, scouts from America erected a statue of American buffalo at Gilwell Park England. This statue is known as “Bronze Bison” . Erected in honour of this unknown scout.
This is how the good turn started in scouting.
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